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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  May 28, 2014 1:42am-4:01am PDT

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you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. so don't wait. call now and request this free decision guide to help you better understand medicare... and which aarp medicare supplement plan might be best for you. there's a wide range to choose from. we love to travel -- and there's so much more to see. so we found a plan that can travel with us. anywhere in the country. [ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learmore about the kinds of plans
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that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is.
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♪ let's make a salad yum yum yum ♪ let's make a salad yum yum yum ♪ let's make a salad yum yum yum ♪ yum yum yum ♪ >> historically first ladies tend to choose causes that don't really rock the boat and pursue them with charm. >> now the congress is pushing back against michelle obama's campaign for healthier school lunches. she's saying game on. jonathan karl has a blow by blow. >> reporter: the rare sight the first lady in to the fray. >> this is unacceptable. it is unacceptable to me, not just as first lady but as a mother. >> reporter: mrs. obama is digging in standards that
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transform the old school lunch of cheese pizza and tater tots into lunches like this, whole wheat spaghetti, broccoli cauliflower and kiwi fruit. she pushed the standards through and now republicans want to roll them back. >> the last thing we can afford to do right now is play politics with our kids' health. >> republicans say healthier food is too !ú!m%ve and schools complain most of it ends up in the trash. >> they are forced to serve food that they know kids won't eat. >> the san diego district that ditched junk food years ago said it is the only way to get kids to eat healthy. >> if you only offer healthy, they will eat healthy. >> the republican bill will allow schools to opt out of the healthy food requirement but the first lady made it clear she will fight that effort in congress. jonathan karl, abc news, the white house. >> a bit of a conundrum here. >> i get it.
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if you give them healthy food they will eat it but schools complain they are throwing it away. what's the solution? i should be asking myself because i'm a lunch lady apparently. >> i don't know. well, i sure hope they don't give the ax to the chicken patty on a bun. >> yeah. that's a classic. >> crispy chicken product. >> it's delicious. >> is it really chicken, though do we know. >> i'm sure it doesn't meet the first lady's nutritional requirements. >> i think you are right. come will up -- it is national hamburger day and we check out a healthier alternative to the classic beef burger. ahead in the next half hour, the warrior canine connection, how unconditional love can heal. you are watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. "world news
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♪ cheeseburger in paradise fá
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♪ >> i couldn't think of a more perfect song to get us in the e1 mood. today is national hamburger day and we are getting an up close and personal view of america's favorite food. >> that's right. our own tina trinh got the tough assignment and she is showing us a somewhat healthier alternative in "insomniac kitchen." >> we're at bare burger in new york city today. there's a problem. i wore my skinny jeans and i don't think there is anything more i can fit in here. we are in the kitchen and i have to tell you i'm already holding my breath in these jeans. is this burger going to push me over the edge? >> absolutely not. the best burger for that. >> what are we making today. >> the california burger with bison. it is super healthy and lean. a couple of interesting things about bison.
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it has as much calcium as a glass of milk and as much potassium as a banana. >> really? >> i will take a burger over a banana any day. >> who wouldn't, right? >> awesome. let's go to the grill. >> the best way to cook it is medium. it will be nice and juicy and you will have a nice golden color on the outside of it. >> how can you tell? i'm so bad at this. >> there's more of a touch -- if the juicefá rs running clear, i means like it's basically well done. like you see here, where the blood is starting to rise up now and the outside is starting to cook. so you are about at medium rare. to get it to medium, flip it, top it with the cheese, melt the cheese and it is ready to go. >> okay, guys. are we ready to dress this burger? i'm so hungry right now. it looks amazing.
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>> so we will take the green leaf lettuce and put it on the bottom. >> yes. >> slice of the the onion. >> okay. >> we will put it on top. the patty and then take these beefsteak tomatoes. >> nice thick slice. >> on top.lp >> we will take some of sauce. >> what is in here. >> this is base of onions, garlic, cilantro, avocado. >> and top it. >> all right, guys. the moment of truth. ready to do this? >> absolutely. >> yea. let's do it. ♪ really yummy. i can still wear my jeans and i'm not busting out of them. thank you so much. >> mission accomplished.
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>> all right. here it is. >> tina did it. i think we have to go for the double fist here. go in for the big bite. >> what do we have to go in for? >> you see it right here. >> oh, these are enormous. >> you can do it. you can do it. >> there's avocado in here. >> mm, that is some buff buff. >> little squirtage right there. >> what kind of show is this turning in to? this is really delicious. i have to say. now i need to clean up, though. my goodness. so dirty. >> i didn't know -- >> nice! >> wow! >> so good. this is -- >> healthy, too. >> they are good for you. >> buffalo meat, if you haven't checked it out, high in iron, low in calories and fat.
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absolutely delicious. >> tastes just like chicken. fat. >> tastes just like chicken.
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save them. woolite detergents clean your jeans and won't torture your tanks. so clothes look like new even after 20 washes.
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other things, you don't. [ female announcer ] charmin ultra soft is so soft you can actually see the softness with our comfort cushions. plus you can use up to four times less. enjoy the go with charmin ultra soft. sometimes come out with spots? well, those spots are actually leftover food or detergent residue. can we help prevent this? yes, use finish jet dry. it goes in your dishwasher's dispenser to help eliminate spots and residues. wow, what a difference! that little guy cleans, brightens and fights stains. so now i can focus on more pressing matters. wow! isn't it beautiful?
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your sweet peppers aren't next to your hot peppers. [ gasps ] [ sarah ] that's my tide. what's yours? welcome to "the mix." we are trying to enjoy these r enormous burgers, and we've given up on -- just the fries. we're starting out with a story about tennis star novak djokovic is known for being hard core on the court. this happened the other day. a ball boy on the court and as usual he was doing his thing, getting him water. there you see the video. moving an umbrella over him. novak sat him down much surprise to the kid and wonderment of the entire crowd. they were so excited. look at what is happening here. gave him the racquet and he is holding the umbrella for the ball boy. you never see this kind of thing. he gives him the drink, he said enjoy. come on.
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i will hold the umbrella. come on. they both open up the drink, clink clink. this is the ball boy's dream, probably never thinking it will happen. after the nice moment, you see in just a moment, it is time to get back to work, see you later, have a nice life. i'll never see you again. i hope i made an impression. shake your hand, me back to tennis. you back to ball boy. >> even matching shirts. >> i didn't notice that. isn't that so sweet. >> so cute. really happy for that guy. how small is too small? how small would you live, that is. look at these pictures from the daily mail. this is a tiny house 96 square feet of space. talk about small. the favorite feature, you are looking at the bedroom next to the bathroom. >> this is a bedroom? >> important point here you can swap out your composting toilet for a flushing toilet if you so desire. so there's that. >> is this the kitchen? >> this is the kitchen.
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looks like you could plug it in and have a little running water but the best part is it has a lawn. the lawn folds out from the ceiling outside and you can grow vegetables. >> no way. >> pretty sweet. couldn't live there. >> no. >> i see the lawn. >> there it is. >> very cute. oh, my goodness, you have to be determined to live small. smaller than most bedrooms. >> like a walk-in closet. moving on to this now. a cat playing jenga is all you need to know. take a look at the video. there he is. they don't have a -- so he is not pulling on the jenga pieces but flopping at them and doing a good job. he knows what he is doing. he is giving his opponents a run for their money. i have never seen a cat play. >> better than i can. >> i used to play jenga quite a bit when i was younger and i never got that far. wow, oh, wow. are you a jenga player? >> i was pretty good back in the day. >> been a while since i have played but it was a fun game. ♪
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[ male announcer ] now get more of what you deserve. visit your local benjamin moore dealer today and get $50 off every $250 purchase.
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[ male announcer ] to celebrate, visit your local benjamin moore dealer today and get $50 off every $250 purchase.
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this morning on "world news now," marching orders. the president announces what u.s. troops in afghanistan have been waiting for. the military milestone after america's longest war. painful process. uc santa barbara's deep grief after a deadly rampage. paying tribute to victims and exposing the killer's extreme budget breakthrough. a pregnant mom and her family confronted with sky high medical bills. how her family's money-saving expert advice could help you. later in "the skinny," the wait for kim and kanye's wait for wedding pictures is over. if you have been on the edge of your seat in anticipation, wait no more. it is wednesday, may 28th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning on this wednesday. i'm devin dwyer in for john muller. >> i'm diana perez. >> how excited are we to see you.
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we actually see you only in the little box never in the flesh. we're excited. did you get any sleeps because it is tough on this schedule. >> i'm running on fumes. i will have to do an espresso shot. they have big mugs of coffee. great to be here. >> happy to see you. a lot of time in washington, d.c., not a lot of time in new york but you are actually from west chester. >> my family lives in west chester and i get up here every once in a while and great to be here to see where the magic happens. >> this is it. let's get started. good morning to you and to all of you. we begin with the president's plan to bring the war in afghanistan to an end. >> virtually all u.s. forces will leave by the end of 2016. that is welcome news to those with family members still serving. here's abc's martha raddatz with this latest. >> reporter: the president made it clear, america's longest war, longer than vietnam or world war ii will come to an end. >> the bottom line is, it's time
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to turn the page on a decade in which so much of our foreign policy was focused on the wars in afghanistan and iraq. price tag of $538 billion at its peak 100,000 u.s. forces were on the ground in afghanistan. the battle beginning while the twin towers were still smoldering. now there are 32,000 troops on the ground but they will be end of this year. at the end of 2015, only 5,000 will remain. by the end of 2016, all gone except for embassy personnel. >> we have to recognize afghanistan will not be a perfect place. and it's not america's responsibility to make it one. >> reporter: for thousands of military families, their loved ones never came home. for others, this news means more homecomings. moments like this just last week. navy mechanic vince comstock
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daughter sharing a family's joy. all of this after 13 years of war we saw firsthand. the final drag out of troops will likely move faster than expected. you could see 20,000 home comings by the end of october and those troops who remain will only be involved in training and counterterrorism operations. martha raddatz, abc news, washington. it was an emotional gathering on the ucsd campus as the six students killed in the rampage were remembered. there were words shared by the college's leaders offering families words of condolences. and unity. the uc president, janet naacp has ordered the campus flags will be lowered to half staff to honor the victims. >> it's important that we not lose sight of the lives we have gathered to remember. all died much too young, but lp it's important that we do not let the arithmetic of this atrocity define them.
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>> reporter: the father of one of the murdered students told the crowd his 20-year-old son died because politicians have done nothing to strengthen gun laws. we're learning more about the on-line world that the santa barbara killer apparently took refuge in. a place of cynicism and anger and there are questions whether the digital culture helped to fuel the rampage. here's abc's david wright. >> reporter: over the past few days, a worldwide out pouring in response to the misogyny elliot rodger expressed. >> if i can't have you, girls i will destroy you. >> reporter: yes, all women feel threatened. >> every woman i know have experienced some form of sexual harassment, abuse or assault, myself included. >> because every woman i know has a story about a man feeling entitled to access to her body. >> reporter: a million tweets shining the light on a culture that turns women in to sex
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objects. the mass shooting is bringing to light a sub culture a industry of pickup artists selling cynical tips for the cave man. >> if you are not like a weasel to use every angle to get the girl, she is going to go home like a [ bleep ]. >> reporter: this video is called be the ted bundy of pickup. the killer instinct. any strategies he picked up clearly didn't work for rodger. still a virgin at 22.fá >> i don't know why you girls aren't attracted to me. but i will punish you all for it. >> hard not to look at this 4,@pwomen. and say he hates >> i think he hated women for sure. >> reporter: santa barbara wasn't just another skirmish in the war between the sexes. this was terrorism. now all women fighting back. david wright, abc news, los angeles. much of the nation is under threat of more severe weather today particularly in the northeast and south. at least four counties in texas are again under tornado warnings, a day after storms were blamed for the death of a houston woman. 52-year-old kathy bottera was in
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her driveway when a tree limb fell on her pulling down power w all of it in front of her horrified 7-year-old son. >> to the east, damaging winds and large hail uprooted trees damaged power lines, knocking down power lines. from central pennsylvania to the nation's capitol. 40,000 customers were left in the dark in and around the d.c. area. now here's a look at today's weather. more than half of the nation is facing another day of heavy rains with showers and thunderstorms extending to the northeast and florida. it will be a wet day for the upper plains with rain stretching to seattle and portland. it will be clear and hot in the west looking good out there. the hot spot once again phoenix 108 degrees, but temperatures will be moderating a bit. everywhere else dropping as low as 50 in boston. donald sterling is making it clear he will fight the nba's charges against him. in response to the league's charges stemming from his racist comments sterling claims he could not have willfully damaged
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the nba because he had no idea his comments were recorded and his attorney is dismissing reports that sterling received 9 offers of $2.5 billion for the clippers. meanwhile, an attorney for shelly sterling said her husband has granted her permission to negotiate the sale of the team. sources are telling espn that shelly sterling is racing to complete the sale before the nba's hearing in the case, which is scheduled to happen next tuesday. on the court, the series between the spurs and thunder is best of three. oklahoma city's russell westbrook scored 40 points leading the thunder to a 105-92 victory. that ties their series at two games apiece. game five is tomorrow night. on the ice, the new york rangers were looking to secure their first stanley cup finals ó berth in 20 years, then they let the canadiens score seven goals while only scoring four. the habs keep their season alive
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but still trail the rangers 3-2. plenty of people have embarrassed themselves throwing out a ceremonial first pitch at a game and now we can add hip hop mogul 50 cent to that list.] >> just a bit outside. what can you say? >> little outside. >> you heard the announcer say it. devin said it again. just little bit outside. that classic took place before the pirates/mets game. he's going to have a hard time living that down. >> got away from him. just a little bit there. >> not much of good throw. fá >> i can't throw a ball either. i can't catch a ball either but i'm not throwing out ceremonial first pitches and if i was picked to throw out a ceremonial first pitch, i'd at least practice once or twice. >> you would. you would for sure. seems like a high-pressure event. he seemed to have a good sense of humor. >> yeah, he was okay. 50 cent is the star of this friday's "gma" summer concert
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show. maybe we can get a comment on what happened. >> sure we can. moving on. we are not saying you will hear this at a ball park near you soon but you never know. take a look. ♪ >> those are the asian small pawed otters tickling the ivories there at the national zoo in washington. billy joel eat your heart out. >> pretty nice. pretty nice. >> oh, yeah. >> not exactly liberace but we get the idea. believe it or not, they are playing the keyboard. it is good for the other otters because it engages their senses, sight, touch and hearing. q how about that? >> it is adorable. >> indeed. they are up to something there. coming up in "the skinny" hot boy band getting stoked up on weed on tour. we have the details. and later, more veterans finding comfort from special dogs and the amazing bond between these military guys and man's best friend. you are watching "world news now."
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♪ that's my dog ♪ that's my dog >> announcer: "world news now" weather, brought to you by oral-b. >> announcer: "world news now" weather, brought to you by oral b. stles that remove up to 90% of hard to reach plaque. feel the difference. oral-b, trust the brand more dentists and hygienists use. oral-b. at oral-b, we take pride because we believe in building something... something to better someone. to better you. to better america. ♪ oral-b. made in the usa. ♪ save them. woolite detergents clean your jeans and won't torture your tanks. so clothes look like new even after 20 washes.
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i travel a lot for business, and it's hard to leave these two. mom! my llama smells like you. i use tide plus febreze in the wash. it keeps their clothes and stuffed animals smelling fresher for longer. when are you coming home? just one more night. [ female announcer ] tide plus febreze. that's my tide plus.
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medical bills take a bite out of family's budgets. hospital stays, prescription drugs. but there are steps you can take to keep the costs from swallowing your bottom line. abc's paula faris got some expert advice for one family
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that could help you, too. >> gosh, that's my baby. >> reporter: sandy is about to be a first-time mom and listening to her baby girl's heartbeat is -- >> the best sound in the world. >> reporter: even before baby, some bills have already been delivered. >> you have no idea how much this is going to cost, do you? >> not really. >> that fine print, i think, kills you every time. >> reporter: so we brought in our health care consumer advocate michelle katz to help sandy and her growing family navigate through thousands of dollars in incoming charges. tip one, did you know that different hospitals can charge vastly different prices for the same procedure? we found a range of 6,000 to 25,000 for sandy to deliver in her area. so shop around. every hospital should have someone called a director of billing. ask for them and they will give you a price quote. tip number two, beware. just because your hospital is covered under your plan does not mean every doctor practicing there is. >> say, listen, can you please make sure the doctor puts in myp
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chart everything needs to be approved by me because of coverage. nonemergency, make sure a doctor under your plan sees you first. tip three, the biggest surprise make sure you get the best deal on your meds.fá get this, sandy's doctor fáxd prescribed her prenatal vitamins for $104 a month under her plan] turns out, michelle found a different brant covered on her insurance that only cost $4 a month. >> you can't assume that your doctor knows what the coverage is. >> reporter: they need to get a formulary sheet from their insurer and ask your doctor if the meds on that sheet could work for you. >> this way the doctor is not guessing. >> they are not guess ing and you are not stuck with $100 a month. >> right. >> reporter: following these tips, sandy will save almost $3500 on her delivery and get back to thinking of what's most important. paula faris, abc news, keyport, new jersey. when we come back, the blackout is finally over. we have pictures of kim and kanye's wedding.
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and a possible image problem for the boy band one direction. "the skinny" is next. stay with us. >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations.
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♪ skinny so skinny. back again, a one-day break kim and kanye's wedding is topping "the skinny" again.
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>> photographs have been scarce to come by but word is that "vogue" has an exclusive and the kardashians being the kardashians the first pictures have showed up on instagram. >> of course they have. first a picture of kim's dress taken at a final fitting in paris. it was custom made by givenchy c who made a tiny version for baby north, as well. now to the wedding. kim instagramed this picture of the couple's first kiss. as man and wife. the ceremony took place in front of the wall of flowers. here's a new mr. and mrs. kanye west walking down the aisle. you can see just behind them, catch a glimpse of their daughter in grandma's arms. >> at the reception, guests could hop in the photo booth and kim and kanye did, too. e! on-line got this picture after kim changed in to that beaded dress. >> kanye posted this picture of him and the mrs. in the just married leather jackets. >> i like those.
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they seem happy. >> i'm always tired of talking about the kardashians. >> moving on. >> moving on to a bachelor party. one groom to be and his buddies will not soon forget or maybe they will but not because of -- >> they were at a charleston, south carolina steak house when they saw bill murray who eventually joined them and offered advice, not to the groom but to the single guys that they might have found the one. take a listen. >> take that person and travel around the world. buy a plane ticket for the two of you to travel around the world and go to places that are hard to go to and get out of. if when you come back to jfk, when you land in jfk and you are still in love with that person, get married. >> sage advice indeed. bachelor, a guy named e.j. on to the guy's shoulders. it is a story of a lifetime. great going, bill and everybody else.
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>> of course you took one of those trips with your husband. >> of course. we had all kinds of money when we first got married to go around the world. one of the hottest boy bands is getting tired of his squeaky clean image. >> a leaked video shows them engaging in some pretty bad boy antics. we can't show you the video but it shows two members rolling up a joint and smoking it. joking about drug use and flipping the finger to the camera before they performed to a sold out crowd in lima, peru.p >> believe it or not, it turns out that they weren't breaking any laws. possession of marijuana in peru is not punishable if it is for personal and immediate consumption. there you have it. the world of entertainment has collided with cold, hard reality of international politics and the military cakeover. taylor swift was set to perform a sold out concert and came under military rule just last week and had to cancel the show. the concert in bangkok would have been june 9th but the country is under a night time curfew.
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several performers have cancelled appearances in thailand over the political situation.ñi moving on to jessica simpson now.r we know she has waged a public battle with her weight but looks like she has won the war and then some. >> she instagramed two pictures of herself in bathing suit and heels posing with one of her fiance and baby daddy's golf clubs. look at that. >> she looks incredible. she lost upwards of 60 pounds since her second child was born two years ago. she has been working out with celebrity trainer harley pasternak, who worked with katy perry and lady gaga. she looks incredible. all right. moving on to celebrating birthdays today. a couple of celebrities. we have gladys knight, she is turning 70. she looks great. >> she does indeed. rocker john fogerty, who started with credence clear water revival is 69. elisabeth hasselbeck who left the view to go to fox news is
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37. >> carey mulligan who played daisy in "the great gatsby" is 29 years old today. 29 years old today. >> daisy in the grat gatsby is 29 years old today.
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save them. woolite detergents clean your jeans and won't torture your tanks. so clothes look like new even after 20 washes. sometimes come out with spots? well, those spots are actually leftover food or detergent residue. can we help prevent this? yes, use finish jet dry. it goes in your dishwasher's dispenser to help eliminate spots and residues. wow, what a difference! that little guy cleans, brightens and fights stains. so now i can focus on more pressing matters. wow! isn't it beautiful?
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your sweet peppers aren't next to your hot peppers. [ gasps ] [ sarah ] that's my tide. what's yours? ♪ that's my dog ♪ that's my dog ♪ that's my dog >> that's a great song. i love it. finally this half hour, an extraordinary program to help some of the thousands oplároops who will be returning home from afghanistan and it's "our favorite story of the day." >> it is. the warrior canine connection offers the simplest medicine for some of the toughest emotional wounds our soldiers face. abc's steve osunsami has the story. >> reporter: we traveled to ft. bragg to search for this lieutenant colonel we heard so much about who's doing wonders to convince soldiers coming hom from the war to come sit with snunseling. here she is, all of 5 years old and a german shepherd named that's why she's good.
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helping warriors like staff sergeant dennis. >> first time i killed someone i cried. i never wanted to get help. i thought it was a natural thing. >> reporter: after seven tours fighting the enemy he is fighting post-traumatic stress disorder. it took the friendship of these military therapy dogs to get hiá past his pride and in to the door. ñ difference? >> without a doubt. i could tell a story. i could cry. i could do anything and she's not going to judge me. >> reporter: the dog? >> the dog. >> reporter: today there are 2500 dogs trained in the armed services but these are the first to help soldiers heal their minds and they get started as puppies learning to sense a soldier's distress. >> very nice. >> these dogs are able to detect through scent your emotional state. >> good work, buddy. >> reporter: this 3-year-old lab named ron brings soldiers tissues and comfort. the work so important the military gives these dogs a rank. this one a one star general. >> it can comfort them and get
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them through the hard stuff so they can keep talking and working through their issues. >> reporter: he has finally r worked through his. initially you weren't buying this dog business? >> no. >> reporter: but now? >> now i'm going to miss lexy. >> reporter: steve osunsami, abc news, ft. bragg. jf >> what an amazing story. >> this is a great story. the dogs do so much for these wound warriors and the vets that come back. you can't see the wounds on the outside. you see them on the inside. they help with them in society and with their families. just a buddy. >> who knew you could detect your emotional state by scent amazing fact. and the rank of general. >> i love that. >> they really are getting the recognition they deserve. >> indeed. thanks for watching. >> don't miss our updates on >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades. this is abc's
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"world news now," in
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good mng good morning. i'm devin dwyer in for john muller. >> and i'm diana perez. here are some of the top headlines we are following on "world news now." much of the nation is under the threat of severe weather with heavy rain, damaging winds and potential tornados. we will have a complete update on the latest storm zones in just a moment. president obama will lay out his foreign policy vision during a commencement speech today at west point. yesterday mr. obama said virtually all u.s. troops will leave afghanistan by 2016. hackers found a way to hold iphones and ipads hostage they are remotely locking the devices and demanding that owners pay a $100 ransom. they may be gaining access by compromises icloud accounts. and starbucks is getting in ñ opening an eatery in los angeles. before committing to more they want to see how the experiment goes.
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those are some of our top stories on this wednesday, may 28th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> how's that? how's that little walk for you? >> good walk over here. >> i know. we warned him that we exercise when we are here. that's my exercise for the whole day. >> after eating bison burgers. >> bison burgers. >> yeah. there you have it. by the way, how about this. devin dwyer joining us on the desk today. we are so excited to have you here. you are here just for the day. >> just for the day. >> and then back to steamy washington. a steamer there. wet and sticky. >> you took the train up from washington today so you can be here with us. that's right. >> came up at the last minute. happy to be here. >> yeah. >> and ready to do some espresso after this. we have been doing this for a while now. i'm ready for a shot of espresso. >> certainly a tough schedule when you parachute in to do just one night. it's tough. but we are happy to have you. >> glad to be here. >> all right. good morning to you and of course to you. we begin this half hour with
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nearly half of the nation once again under the threat of severe weather. >> many areas could see straight line winds in excess of 70 miles an hour today and golf ball-size hail. millions of americans are already feeling the effects of all of this. >> reporter: widespread storm across the eastern half of the country dealing a powerful punch. uprooted trees and knocked out power to thousands. in central pennsylvania to washington, d.c. in the nation's midsection, the threat of thunderstorms and flash flooding now marching eastward extending from houston to new orleans, and north in to arkansas. in houston, a mother was killed instantly when a tree limb fell on top of her. her horrified 7-year-old son looking on in the driveway. just a few miles east in la porte, texas, at least a dozen people were injured when their construction tent collapsed blown over by a suspected funnel cloud. moderate injuries, scrapes,
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bruises, cuts, contusions. >> look at that, dude. >> they weren't so lucky in north dakota on monday where a funnel cloud with winds of 120 miles an hour raked through a campus oil field workers. it injured at least nine people, one critically and destroyed 15 trailers. >> it's about to go over us. >> i could see a funnel cloud coming down. i went, oh, this is not good. >> dude, where do we go? we have nowhere to go. >> reporter: elsewhere, it's all about the flooding. some parts of houston have seen six inches of rain over the past few days. turning streets into rivers and rivers into lakes and the region is bracing for still more severe weather. >> now let's look at what's in store for today's weather. the storm zone covers more than half of the nation. look at that with showers and thunderstorms extending in to the northeast and florida. it will be a wet day for the upper plains with rain stretching all the way to seattle and portland but it will be clear and hot out there in q9ñq >> temperatures will be
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moderating a bit. dropping to as low as 50 in boston. the hotspot once again, phoenix, 108 degrees. most of phoenix, that massive wildfire raging near one of the most popular tourist spots in arizona, has now burned 32 square miles. more than 1,000 firefighters are on the ground between flagstaff and sedona. the fire is only 35% contained and hundreds of homes remain in danger. investigators on the scene believe the fire is human caused but it could take months to pinpoint how it began. firefighters are struggling to put out a much bigger wildfire in alaska. so far it scorched 280 square miles and destroyed several unoccupied cabins. light rain that fell yesterday wasn't enough to extinguish the fire but high winds threatening to push the flames in to residential areas have finally died down. inmates have been called in to help battle a wildfire in the central california foothills. they are facing hot, windy fá
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conditions, dry brush and steep terrain. the fire erupted monday, destroying at least one home. about 100 others are still threatened. some residents are urged to evacuate. students go back to class this morning at the university of california in santa barbara. yesterday, they gathered to remember those who died in last week's tragic stabbing and shooting rampage. abc's cecilia vega is there. >> reporter: thousands pouring in to the university of california santa barbara, packing a stadium for a memorial, gathered together in anger and sadness. a community grieving young lives lost, like katherine cooper, a painter, veronika weiss, who just finished her first year and chris michaels-martinez who wanted to go to law school. his father leading the crowd in an emotional chant. >> are you with me? not one more, not one more! >> reporter: still reeling from the rampage that lasted ten minutes stretching across this
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quiet oceanside college town. 13 people injured in all, six killed in elliot rodger's deadly plan laid out in his chilling 137-page manifesto called "my twisted world." ñ face world." of the 9.6 million americans suffering from serious mental illness. the vast majority nonviolent. so many questions about whether anything could have been done to stop him. a family spokesman telling abc news rodger had been in therapy from 9 years old. his parents saying they did everything they could to help a shy, reclusive son. now this is a campus in mourning. ♪ >> let us cherish the moments we have shared with them and be grateful to have had them in our lives as friends, as family and as loved ones. >> reporter: this stadium here on the school campus is filled to capacity. you can see behind me the bleachers are full. there are even students on the grass.
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we have seen every walk of campus life pour in. members of the dive team, sorority sisters and i can tell you the emotion is absolutely raw. these are students that should be celebrating the final few days of classes. instead, they are here. cecilia vega, isla vista, california. it was a scary few moments when an suv crashed in to a public library in suburban new york. you can see the mess left behind. this is in spring valley. six people were hurt including a 15-year-old girl who's pinned beneath the car. the driver told police a medical emergency caused him to lose control. the oldest member of congress has lost his seat. 91-year-old congressman ralph hall was defeated in a primary runoff after 34 years in the house. the texas republican was beaten by a candidate about half of his age in a race that divide tea party loyalists. at 91, hall is an avid jogger. two years ago, he went sky diving ahead of another primary to show his vitality.
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a developing story overnight from washington. the defense secretary ordered a review of the military health care system. this in the wake of the growing scandal over the care veterans got at some v.a. hospitals. the new review will assess the quality of the health care at military treatment facilities, as well as the care the department buys from civilian providers. a u.s. marine who accidentally crossed the border in to mexico will get to state his case before a judge in tijuana. the sergeant has been jailed for two months. he had three registered guns when he took a wrong turn and entered mexico through a poorly marked checkpoint. he immediately called 911 but was told there was nothing they could do to help because he was no longer in the united states. north of there in san diego, a 19-year-old takes off today on the trip of a lifetime. matt guthmiller is attempting to become the youngest person ever to fly around the world all by himself. he will be flying in a small plane that's 33 years old.
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guthmiller plans stops in 20 countries during the 26,000-mile trip. if he stays on schedule, he should be back in southern california on july 1st. >> amazing trip. >> wow. i'd love to do something like that. man, oh, man, to be 19 again. >> look at the flight path and he avoids, very smartly, the bermuda triangle. it is not on the flight plan. >> i don't blame him. you want to get back home. >> that's right. you do want to get home. his father said he is very supportive of this and said they have an insurance policy and because the insurance policy would support him, he must be a good pilot. >> take a look, 19 years old and so determined. at 19 a lot of kids aren't thinking of doing things like this. he wants to break a world record and do it by himself. quite a journey. >> all right. pretty crazy. moving on to this, some classic musicians who claim they were left in the lurch by u.s. airways. ♪
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>> good music. this guy started to play his violin on the tarmac after he was told they weren't allowed to bring instruments on the plane. he cited a law that said instruments are allowed on board. >> that's right. that's when the airline told them their roller briefcases needed to be checked. the whole mess caused them to miss a connecting flights but after some tweets and their video were posted, the airline rebooked them and they made it to their destination. >> oh, my god. >> pretty nice. i wouldn't mind listening to that as i was trying to board the plane. >> remember the video a few weeks back when they were playing on the plane. putting the instruments to good use. >> yes. coming up, five things that you can do just about anywhere to work on your bikini body. ahead, a revolutionary fertility technique gives hope to parents. we are following that and one woman's dream of motherhood. and turning real estate in to elaborate bashes. who's pulling out all the stops
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to sell prime opportunities? you are watching "world news now." ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by bounce bursts. y bounce. s. of the outdoors indoors, so... (laughs) i guess i just forgot i wasn't outside. here! see for yourself. (harp music) behold! i love being outdoors. i love bark. shake the outdoors, indoors. with new bounce bursts.
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from crest 3d white, new brilliance toothpaste and boost. after brushing, our exclusive boost polishes your smile and whitens with 3x the stain lifting ingredient for a smile that dazzles. new crest 3d white brilliance. other things, you don't. [ female announcer ] charmin ultra soft is so soft you can actually see the softness with our comfort cushions. plus you can use up to four times less.
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enjoy the go with charmin ultra soft. ♪ baby baby baby oh ♪ baby baby baby oh ♪ baby baby baby oh >> a new fertility treatment is giving hope to a special group of women. it involves freezing part of the ovary and replacing it later. >> it helps women undergoing cancer treatment but may hold promise for other women, as well abc's rina ninan has the story. ♪
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>> reporter: grant is a typical 4-year-old, curious, energetic, adorable. >> he's our little miracle and always will be. >> reporter: that's baes grant was among the first wave of babies in the world conceived through the use of frozen ovary tissue. freezing young ovary tissue and reimplanting it later is a relatively new concept enabling women to freeze hundreds of thousands of eggs. when amy was diagnosed with hodgkin's lymphoma the at the age of 19 and faced sterility, infertility center of st. louis recommended the revolutionary procedure. >> i told her i really didn't think this had much likelihood of working. it was very experimental but all we could do for her. >> reporter: 12 years later, she would turn to silver to have her frozen ovary tissue reimplanted. soon after, her ovary began to function normally. in a matter of months, grant was conceived the old-fashioned way.
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ovary freezing has worked successfully for silver for three out of the four patients he tried it on. it costs $10,000 and egg freezing can cost 25,000. rina ninan, abc news, new york. >> some people would say it is a small price to pay to make sure you can conceive later in life and a lot of women who are faced with cancer early in their life don't think of what will happen to them in the future. will they be able to have kids. at 19 you are not thinking of starting a family. she was lucky to encounter a doctor that had that advice for her, even though he didn't think it would work. >> some looking for new methods. and there's a lot of interest out there right now.zv in spite of that price. it is a significant price for women. >> it is really steep but some women, some critics are concerned whether or not you have cleansed your body of the cancer by reintroducing this in to your body are you possibly reintroducing the cancer, as well. so there's definitely some concern there. >> all right. 7#'ll be right back.
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>> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations.
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♪r >> real estate is an american obsession of course. selling the most expensive homes become something of a blood sport. >> to sell to the super rich, real estate agents need to go to extremes. we are "up all nightline" with abc's juju chang. ♪ >> reporter: nope, it's not a fancy wedding or million dollar fund-raiser. it is an open house. an invitation extreme open house.w3 more and more brokers throwing glam parties to make sure their high-end properties pop. even in a hot market, if you want to sell a big-ticket property you have to pull out all of the stops.
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>> reporter: mary beth lynch is a real estate agent in suburban boston, is known for throwing extravagant open houses. >> more than just snooping in people's closets. it is about envisioning how you may live here. >> it is lifestyle. it is illustrating a lifestyle. >> reporter: she agreed to show us how it's done. >> they are getting everything prepped. >> champagne on ice. >> the champagne is on ice. >> our harpist arrived. >> reporter: in less than a week she threw together this extreme open house at an estate she's been trying to sell several months now, the price tag, 1.35 million smackers. more than double the price of the average home in shrewsbury, massachusetts. that afternoon, mary beth met with her team and delivered a final pep talk. >> every time we go to an open house, there's a movie. she says she's a realtor. she says i'm going to sell a house today. >> reporter: it annette bening's character in "american beauty." >> i always play over that mantra in my mind as i drive to open houses.
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i think -- >> i will sell this house today. >> reporter: the property showcases its own private duck pond, a feature the caterers may have overlooked. >> what are you cooking up? >> marinated duck. >> whoops. >> reporter: let's move to the artisanal cheese and wine pairings drawing guests in to the state of the art kitchen. even the bathroom greets buyers with a treat. >> look at the chocolate-dipped strawberries in the fabulous bay windowed tub. to further inspire po ten m potential buyers in how they might live in over 5,000 square feet of home. mary beth installed a yoga lady. >> just need one yoga lover and you sold the house. >> absolutely and we do have a couple on our guest list. >> reporter: downstairs the harpist tells us providing an elegant soundtrack at open houses is a regular gig. >> sometimes a lot of people $2 million and up they want to see what it is like to have a party.
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in their property. >> like taking it out for a test drive. >> exactly. >> a test cocktail party. >> does this help to spark a bidding war? >> that would be fantastic. if i had a crystal ball i might be able to tell you that. >> with the party winding down, we check in with the hostess. >> did you get an offer for the house? >> we did not. the next couple of weeks we will figure out who the owner of the property is. >> she remains confident because after all -- >> i will sell this house today. >> reporter: for "nightline," i'm juju chang in shrewsbury, massachusetts. >> annette bening there. >> i don't know that all of that is necessary. [ doorbell ] you know -- >> you have to spend money to make money. >> true. >> old adage. of course open houses aren't new. >> very true. >> but the yogi -- yoga lady? >> the yoga lady. >> the caterer with the duck, the harpist. if i walk in to the house and i'm interested, i'm interested in the tile work, what the lawn looks like. >> the kitchen.
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>> i don't care about the chocolate covered strawberries or the yoga lady. >> i beg to differ with, that i'd take the chocolate covered strawberries. strawberries or the yoga lady. >> i beg to differ with, that i'd take the chocolate covered strawberries. sometimes come out with spots? well, those spots are actually leftover food or detergent residue. can we help prevent this? yes, use finish jet dry. it goes in your dishwasher's dispenser to help eliminate spots and residues. wow, what a difference!
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save them. woolite detergents clean your jeans and won't torture your tanks. so clothes look like new even after 20 washes. we really you know? take a relaxingjust to unwind.a. but we can only afford one trip this year, and his high school reunion is coming up in seattle. everyone's going. then we heard about hotwire... and realized we could actually afford to take both trips. [woman] see, when really nice hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so we got our 4-star hotels for half price. i should have been voted "most likely to travel." ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e
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♪ save big on car rentals too, from $11.95 a day. ♪ it was an itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka-dot bikini ♪ ♪ that she wore for the first time today ♪ we finally had a taste of summer in new york the past couple of days and it was a reminder that beach days are on the way. >> they are indeed. what can you do to get ready for the season's revealing clothes? abc's mayor a skaf skaf -- mara schiavocampo has more. we have tips from a personal hr(t&c weapon behind some of hollywood's hottest bodies, sara jessica parker, shakira, and
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very ripped kelly ripa. >> hi guys! we went to dance and fitness guru anna kaiser for her secrets to slim down by summer. >> is there enough time. 100%. >> you will see a difference in a week. >> reporter: accepting the challenge, mom of two shawna ball and also with two kids natasha lee. anna designed a five rule plan that anyone can do anywhere.q number one, five 300 calorie meals a day. >> your metabolism, burning your keep yourself from getting too hungry. >> reporter: no sugar whatsoever, including artificial sweeteners and alcohol. >> you're killing us. >> sugar acts as a toxin in your body. the faster you cut it out and nourish your body with real food the better you will feel. >> reporter: three, eight hours of sleep a night. >> the more tired you are the hungrier you will be the next day. >> reporter: four, drink up. three liters of water a day. >> let's do it.
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all right. >> reporter: the fifth and final rule a ten-minute interval work out. and 30 seconds of skater jumps, ten windshield wiper pushups, skaters, ten kickstand kicks on each side, skaters, ten cursy jumps on each side and ending with more skaters. >> that's amazing. >> an amazing plan and hopefully amazing results. mayorht a -- mara schiavocampo abc news, new york. >> i have to see these results. man, oh, man. some of those things, staying away from sugar is really difficult. drinking all of that water and sleeping ain't going to happen. >> look at that. >> how about me in my leg warmers? see, when graphics put that picture up a couple of weeks ago that's how i was inspired for my haircut and donna, who does my hair said absolutely not. >> you are not wearing those to the beach. >> no, no, the haircut. she said you are not allowed to go that short. beach. >> no, she said you are not allowed to go that short.
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this morning on "world news this morning on "world news now," in grief crowds gather in prayer and hope at the uc santa barbara campus remembering the á victims of a senseless rampage. >> it's crazy. it doesn't make any sense. >> the tears shed, the healing words of comfort and new details about the killer. take cover. that's what oil field workers did when they saw this tornado racing for their camp. >> only thing i can describe it is terrifyingly beautiful. >> the spell-binding pictures as violent weather slams much of the nation. tasty adventure. >> our search on national hamburger day but this burger is better than beef. stay tuned for the meaty details on this wednesday, may 28th. >> announcer: from abc news,
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this is "world news now" now. good morning. i'm devin dwyer in for john muller. >> i'm diana perez. devin, we are excited to have you here. for a number of reasons. number one we always see you via satellite. to have you in the flesh is very exciting. you were telling me you have been working for abc as a producer with jonathan karl, the white house correspondent, down in d.c. for five years. >> that's right. >> incredible it has been this long and first time where i can see where the magic happens. we can do espresso shots later together. >> devin has no idea what he is in for. first time he filled in and we are really excited. >> great to be here. let's get started. good morning to you and to all of you. classes are resuming at the university of santa barbara after an emotional outpouring. >> thousands gathered on campus to remember the six students killed during last week's rampage. abc's mary bruce was there. >> reporter: thousands poured in to the stadium at the university of california santa barbara to honor the lives lost. >> we grieve together today as a
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family, as the community of the university of california. and we will get through this. >> reporter: the father of slain sophomore, christopher michaels-martinez has a simple message for this grieving community. >> not one more person should have to die. >> not one more! >> reporter: his son, one of six killed when a gunman rampaged through this college town. there were red flags about elliot rodger, the gunman who detailed his plan to kill in a chilling 137-page manifesto called "my twisted world." roéúi to mental health officials and his family minutes before he opened fire but it was too late for them to stop him. >> shots fired, shots fired. >> reporter: in ten minutes of terror at 12 crime scenes. 13 wounded three shot dead. at a sorority house and a local deli. inside of rogers apartment his two roommates and a visiting friend found stabbed to death.
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>> i don't know why this happened to our son. it is crazy. it doesn't make any sense. >> reporter: as the healing process begins, so many in our community now questioning whether anything could have been done to stop this senseless killing. mary bruce, abc news, santa barbara, california. a community in houston, texas, is mourning the death of a mother killed in the latest wave of severe storms to slam the region. 52-year-old kathy bottero was in her driveway when a tree limb fell on top of her pulling down a live power line. even worse neighbors say her 7-year-old son was in the driveway and saw the entire thing. at least four texas counties are again under tornado warnings ñi this morning. the northeast and the south are facing severe weather threats this morning. damaging winds and large hail have uprooted trees and downed power lines knocking out power from central pennsylvania to the nation's capitol. close to
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40,000 customers were left in the dark in and around the d.c. area. >> all of the severe weather is part of a wide-ranging system that spawned a powerful tornado in north dakota on monday that ripped through a camp of oil field workers. this morning we are getting an close-up view of that twister just as it touched down. abc's ginger zee is here with that story. >> look at that, dude. >> reporter: that is an unbelievable view of a tornado curling through the red dirt of north dakota. >> oh, my gosh. that is coming down, dude. >> reporter: moments earlier, they saw it forming. >> it's about to go over us. >> i could see a funnel cloud coming down. i went, oh, this is not good. >> dude, where do we go? we have nowhere to go. >> reporter: dan and his colleagues running for cover, a questionable choice in their pickup truck. >> i expected to see a cow nieg by like in the movies. flying by like in in the movies.
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>> reporter: debris flying past their window. let's look at that part of the tape again. you see right there the debrisx flies by. we'll slow it down and spotlight it for you. that huge chunk of debris. when i have been storm chasing, we see large debris like that fly miles outside of the tornado. >> it is sitting there. >> reporter: the camera catching the dark red dirt circulating beneath and the bright white reflection of the condensation above. >> the only way i can describe it is terrifyingly beautiful. >> looks like it is breaking apart. >> reporter: tornado dissipating but leaving behind this. at least nine people were injured and the national weather service giving a preliminary rating of ef-2. winds up to 120 miles an hour.ñr that tornado one of more than 140 severe weather reports from texas to florida. he tells us he is so grateful to have survived. >> i'm not a storm chaser. my wife informs me i'm never go
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going to be. >> reporter: ginger zee, abc news, new york. >> well, americans are being warned to leave libya immediately because of security concerns.c the state department said the situation in libya remains unpredictable and unstable with crime levels high in many parts of the country it added that various groups have called for attacks against u.s. citizens and interests in libya. americans are being warned against travel there. it is a major milestone in america's longest war. president obama says the number of u.s. troops in afghanistan will be reduced gradually over the next few years to 9,800 by the end of the year. at the end of 2015, only 5,000 will remain. by the end of 2016, all will be gone except for embassy personnel. >> we have to recognize afghanistan will not be a perfect place, and it's not america's responsibility to make it one. >> mr. obama said that american forces remaining in afghanistan after this year will train afghan troops and conduct counterterrorism operations.
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the plan is contingent on a bilateral security agreement with the afghan government. a lot of people are saying you promised they would be out d by the end of this year. what's happening now that you are telling us, no, we will extend it for this year and 5,000 next year. a lot of people are ready for this war to be over. >> the fifth victory lap that the war is over but a milestone that we see specific numbers for the first time. not everybody is happy about how specific it is. >> a lot of people are saying it's not enough. we have all kinds of foreign policy senators, john mccain of arizona, lindsey graham of south carolina, they are calling the afghanistan decision shortsighted and warn it will embolden our enemies. that's a concern but i think a lot of the american community is just ready. ready to go. bring our troops home. >> i think most people are ready for them to come home. we will hear more about it today from president obama. he will give the commencement address at west point. >> perfect. moving on to this now. former president george w. bush is recuperating from knee replacement surgery. a spokesman says mr. bush was doing great and managed to get f
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up and walk around and go up and down the stairs a couple of hours after the procedure. the former president is a well-known fitness freak, who annually participates in a 100-kilometer bike race with wounded vets. hackers are targeting iphones and ipads and demanding owners pay a ransom. they are commandeering apple devices by compromising icloud accounts. the phones and ipads are remotely locked and held hostage until $100 ransom is paid to unlock them. the victims have been located worldwide but most in australia. some business news startingm with a proposed takeover in the meat aisle. hill shire brands, maker of ballpark franks and jimmy dean sausages, is part of a takeover bid by pilgrims pride. the price tag $5.6 billion if finalized pilgrim's pride could derail hillshire's plans to buy another company.
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starbucks is testing the dinner market with a single restaurant. it is opening one of the eateries in los angeles. it will offer burger and other dinner items. it will also serve beer, wine cocktails and stay open until 10:00 p.m.xd before committing to more dinner service starbucks wants to see how the l.a. experiment goes. >> we are not going to give nb starbucks a bunch of publicity here. they can drum up enough by themselves. >> don't be surprised if you see this feathery fan in the marketing. this woman's parrot has been enjoying its coffee for seven years. the parrot's name is tiara. the owner says it doesn't matter how the coffee comes she likes all of it. she already uses the phrase step up as a way of basically saying please and then she gets another sip. to be fair she is not gulping down a ton of coffee. >> look at that tongue action. >> any amount of coffee is enough to make an animal that small pretty excited and hyper. >> starbucks gets the birds addicted now.
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there we go. coming up, "insomniac kitchen" our search for the best on this national hamburger day. here's something to relish. our patties are not made out of beef. speaking of food, the first lady is in the middle of a feud over healthier school lunches. who's going to win this battle over fruits and vegetables?lp find out. you are watching "world news now." ♪ let's make a salad ♪ yum yum yum ♪ let's make a salad yum yum yum ♪ let's make a salad yum yum yum ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by tide plus bleach alternative. y tide plus bleach alternative. our daughter begged us to sign her up for karate. we thought it was going to be just another phase, but she's a total natural. which makes us karate parents. one day i noticed her gi looked dingier than the other kids. now since tide plus bleach alternative has more whitening power... i used it to wash her gi and now she's all...pow! she looks sharp like a dragon strike. that's not a term.
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i'm just waiting for her to get into hockey. hockey's for canadians. i'm canadian. and i'm not. [ female announcer ] tide plus bleach alternative. that's my tide plus. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. to me, relationships matter. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] with these types of plans,
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that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is.
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♪ let's make a salad yum yum yum ♪ let's make a salad yum yum yum ♪ let's make a salad yum yum yum ♪ yum yum yum ♪ tend to choose causes that don't really rock the boat and pursue them with charm. >> now that congress is pushing back against michelle obama's campaign for healthier school lunches. she's saying game on. chief white house correspondent jonathan karl has a blow by blow. >> reporter: the rare sight the first lady in to the fray. >> this is unacceptable. it is unacceptable to me, not just as first lady but as a mother. >> reporter: mrs. obama is
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digging in defending federal standards that transform the old school lunch of cheese pizza and tater tots into lunches like this, whole fá wheat spaghetti, broccoli fá green beans, cauliflower and kiwi fruit. she helped push the standards through, now republicans want to roll them back. >> the last thing we can afford to do right now is play politics with our kids' health. >> republicans say healthier food is too expensive and schools complain most of it ends up in the trash. >> they are forced to serve food that they know kids won't eat. d the plate waste is rising exponentially. >> the san diego district that ditched junk food years ago said r is the only way to get kids to eat healthy. >> if you only offer healthy, they will eat healthy. xd >> the republican bill will allow schools to opt out of the healthy food requirement but the first lady made it clear she will fight that effort in congress.ñr jonathan karl, abc news, the white house. >> a bit of a conundrum here. >> i get it. if you give them healthy food they will eat it but schools
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complain they are throwing it away. what's the solution? i should be asking myself because i'm a lunch lady apparently. >> i don't know. well, i sure hope they don't give the ax to the chicken patty on a bun. >> yeah. that's a classic. >> crispy chicken product. >> it's delicious. >> is it really chicken, though do we know? >> i don't know. it sure looks good. >> i'm sure it doesn't meet the first lady's nutritional requirements. >> i think you are right. coming up -- it's national hamburger dayd and of course, to celebrate, we check out a healthier alternative to the classic beef burger. ahead in the next half hour, the warrior canine connection, how unconditional love can heal. you are watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations.
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♪ cheeseburger in paradise ♪
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>> i couldn't think of a more perfect song to get us in the mood. today is national hamburger day and we are getting an up close and personal view of america's favorite food. >> that's right. our own tina trinh got the tougá assignment and she is showing us a somewhat healthier alternative in "insomniac kitchen." >> we're at bear burger in new york city today. there's a problem. i wore my skinny jeans and i ñ3 more i can fit in here. we are in the kitchen and i have to tell you i'm already holding my breath in these jeans. is this burger going to push me over the edge? >> absolutely not. the best burger for that. >> what are we making today. >> the california burger with it is super healthy and lean. a couple of interesting things about bison.
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it has as much calcium as a glass of milk and as much potassium as a banana. >> really? >> i will take a burger over a banana any day. >> of course. who wouldn't, right? >> awesome. let's go to the grill. let's do it. >> the best way to cook it is medium. it will be nice and juicy and you will have a nice golden color on the outside of it. >> how can you tell? i'm so bad at this. >> there's more of a touch -- if juices are running clear, that means like it's basically well done. like you see here, where the blood is starting to rise up now and the outside is starting to cook.r so you are about at medium rare. to get it to medium, flip it, top it with the cheese, melt the cheese and it is ready to go. >> okay, guys. are we ready to dress this ñ i'm so hungry right now. it looks amazing.
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>> so we will take the green leaf lettuce and put it on the bottom. >> yes. >> slice of the onion. >> okay. >> we will put it on top. the patty and then take these beefsteak tomatoes. >> nice thick slice. lp >> on top. >> we'll take some of the sauce. >> what's in here? >> this is base of onions, garlic, cilantro, avocado. >> and top it. >> all right, guys. the moment of truth. ready to do this? >> absolutely. >> yea. let's do it. ♪ really yummy. i can still wear my jeans and i'm not busting out of them. thank you so much. >> mission accomplished.
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>> all right. here it is. >> tina did it. i think we have to go for the double fist here. go in for the big bite. these things look amazing. >> what do we have to go in for? >> you see it right here. >> oh, these are enormous. >> you can do it. you can do it. >> there's avocado in here. oh, my word. buffalo. >> mm, that is some buff buff. >> little squirtage right there. >> what kind of show is this turning in to? this is really delicious. i have to say. now i need to clean up, though. my goodness. so dirty. >> i didn't know -- it could create such a mess. >> nice! >> wow! >> so good.fá this is really, really good. >> healthy, too. >> they are good for you. >> buffalo meat, if you haven't tried it, check it out, high in
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iron, low in calories, low in fat. absolutely delicious. >> tastes just like chicken. >> we'll be right back.
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save them. woolite detergents clean your jeans and won't torture your tanks. so clothes look like new even after 20 washes.
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other things, you don't. [ female announcer ] charmin ultra soft is so soft you can actually see the softness with our comfort cushions. plus you can use up to four times less. enjoy the go with charmin ultra soft. sometimes come out with spots? well, those spots are actually leftover food or detergent residue. can we help prevent this? yes, use finish jet dry. it goes in your dishwasher's dispenser to help eliminate spots and residues. wow, what a difference! that little guy cleans, brightens and fights stains. so now i can focus on more pressing matters. wow! isn't it beautiful?
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your sweet peppers aren't next to your hot peppers. [ gasps ] [ sarah ] that's my tide. what's yours? welcome to "the mix." we are trying to enjoy these enormous burgers, and we've given up and we're doing onion rings and fries. we're starting out with a story about tennis star novak djokovic is known for being hard core on the court. all right. this happened the other day. there was a ball boy on the court and he was doing his thing, getting him water. there you see the video. moving an umbrella over him. novak sat him down much surprise to the kid and wonderment of the entire crowd.nb they were so excited. look at what is happening here. gave him the racquet and he is holding the umbrella for the ball boy. you never see this kind of thing. it gets better. he hands him a drink and says go ahead, you drink it. enjoy. come on. i will hold the umbrella.
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come on. they both open up the drink, clink clink. why not? this is the ball boy's dream, never thinking this is ever going to happen. after the nice moment, you see in just a moment, it is time to get back to work, see you later, take care, have a nice life. i'll never see you again. i hope i made an impression. shake your hand, me back to tennis. you back to ball boy. >> even had matching shirts. >> i didn't notice that. isn't that so sweet. >> so cute. really happy for that guy. how small is too small? how small would you live, that is. look at these pictures from the daily mail. this is a tiny house 96 square feet of space. talk about small. my favorite feature of this house, though, there you take a look at the bedroom, next to the bathroom. >> this is a bedroom? >> important point here you can swap out your composting toilet for a flushing toilet if you so desire. so there's that. >> is this the kitchen? >> this is the kitchen. looks like you could plug it in and have a little running water
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but the best part is it has a lawn. the lawn folds out from the ceiling outside and you can grow vegetables. >> no way. >> pretty sweet. couldn't live there. >> no. >> i see the lawn. >> there it is. >> very cute. oh, my goodness, you have to be determined to live small. smaller than most bedrooms. >> like a walk-in closet. moving on to this now. a cat playing jenga is all you need to know. take a look at the video. there he is. they don't have a -- so he is not pulling on the jenga pieces but flopping at them and doing a good job. he knows what he is doing. >> not bad. he is giving his opponents a run for their money. i have never seen a cat play. >> better than i can. >> i used to play jenga quite a bit when i was younger and i never got that far. wow, oh, wow. are you a jenga player?q almost, almost. are you a jenga player? >> i was pretty good back in the day. >> been a while since i have played but it was a fun game.
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>> there you have it. and he's
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this morning on "world news now," marching orders. the president announces what u.s. troops in afghanistan have been waiting for. the military milestone after america's longest war. painful process. uc santa barbara's deep grief after a deadly rampage. paying tribute to victims and exposing the killer's extreme emotional problems. budget breakthrough. a pregnant mom and her family confronted with sky high medical bills. how her family's money-saving expert advice could help you. later in "the skinny," the wait for kim and kanye's wait for wedding pictures is over. if you have been on the edge of your seat in anticipation, wait no more. it is wednesday, may 28th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning on this wednesday. i'm devin dwyer in for john muller. >> i'm diana perez. >> how excited are we to see you.
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we actually see you only in the little box never in the flesh. we're excited. did you get any sleep today because it's tough to transition into this schedule. >> i'm running on fumes. i will have to do an espresso shot. they have big mugs of coffee. great to be here. >> happy to see you. a lot of time in washington, r d.c., not a lot of time in new york but you are actually from west chester. >> my family lives in west chester and i get up here every once in a while and great to be here to see where the magic happens. >> i know. this is it. let's get started. good morning to you and to all of you. we begin with the president's plan to bring the war in afghanistan to an end. >> virtually all u.s. forces will leave by the end of 2016.fá that is welcome news to those with family members still serving. here's abc's martha raddatz with this latest. >> reporter: the president made it clear, america's longest war, longer than vietnam or world war ii will come to an end. >> the bottom line is, it's time to turn the page on a decade in which so much of our foreign
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policy was focused on the wars in afghanistan and iraq. >> reporter: with the total price tag of $538 billion at its peak 100,000 u.s. forces were on the ground in afghanistan. the battle beginning while the twin towers were still smoldering. now there are 32,000 troops on the ground but they will be rapidly reduced to 9,800 by the end of this year. at the end of 2015, only 5,000 will remain. by the end of 2016, all gone except for embassy personnel. >> we have to recognize afghanistan will not be a perfect place. and it's not america's responsibility to make it one. >> reporter: for thousands of military families, their loved ones never came home. for others, this news means more homecomings. moments like this just last week. navy mechanic vince comstock daughter sharing a family's joy.
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all of this after 13 years of war we saw firsthand. the final drag out of troops will likely move faster than expected. you could see 20,000 home comings by the end of october and those troops who remain will only be involved in training and counterterrorism operations. martha raddatz, abc news, washington. it was an emotional gathering on the ucsd campus as the six students killed in the rampage last week were remembered. there were words shared by the college's leaders offering families words of condolences. and unity. the uc president, janet napolitano has ordered flags at all ten campuses lowered to half-staff to honor the victims. >> it's important that we not lose sight of the lives we have gathered to remember. all died much too young, but it's important that we do not
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let the arithmetic of this atrocity define them. >> reporter: the father of one of the murdered students told the crowd his 20-year-old son died because politicians have done nothing to strengthen gun laws. we're learning more about the on-line world that the santa barbara killer apparently took refuge in. a place of cynicism and anger and there are questions whether the digital culture helped to fuel the rampage. here's abc's david wright. >> reporter: over the past few days, a worldwide outpouring in response to the misogyny elliot rodger expressed. >> if i can't have you, girls i will destroy you. >> reporter: yes, all women feel threatened. >> every woman i know have experienced some form of sexual harassment, abuse or assault, myself included. >> because every woman i know has a story about a man feeling entitled to access to her body. >> reporter: a million tweets shining the light on a culture that turns women in to sex objects. the mass shooting is bringing to
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light a sub culture, an industry of pickup artists selling cynical tips for the cave man. >> ifp,eu are not like a weasel to use every angle to get the girl, she is going to go home with a [ bleep ]. >> reporter: this video is called be the ted bundy of pickup. the killer instinct. any strategies he picked up clearly didn't work for rodger. still a virgin at 22. >> i don't know why you girls aren't attracted to me. but i will punish you all for it. >> hard not to look at this guy's video and say he hates women. >> i think he hated women for sure. >> reporter: santa barbara wasn't just another skirmish in the war between the sexes. this was terrorism. now all women fighting back. david wright, abc news, los angeles. much of the nation is under threat of more severe weather today particularly in the northeast and south. at least four counties in texas are again under tornado warnings, a day after storms were blamed for the death of a houston woman.zv 52-year-old kathy bottera was in
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her driveway when a tree limb fell on top of her pulling down live power lines, all of it right in front of her horrified 7-year-old son. >> to the east, damaging winds and large hail uprooted trees damaged power lines, knocking down power lines. from central pennsylvania to the nation's capitol. 40,000 customers were left in the dark in and around the d.c. area. now here's a look at today's weather. more than half of the nation is facing another day of heavy rains with showers and thunderstorms extending to the northeast and florida. it will be a wet day for the upper plains with rain stretching to seattle and portland. it will be clear and hot in the west looking good out there. the hot spot once again phoenix 108 degrees, but temperatures will be moderating a bit. everywhere else dropping as low as 50 in boston. donald sterling is making it clear he will fight the nba's charges against him. in response to the league's charges stemming from his racist comments sterling claims he could not have willfully damaged
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the nba because he had no idea his comments were recorded and his attorney is dismissing reports that sterling received offers of $2.5 billion for the clippers. meanwhile, an attorney for shelly sterling said her husband has granted her permission to negotiate the sale of the team. sources are telling espn that shelly sterling is racing to complete the sale before the nba's hearing in the case, which is scheduled to happen next tuesday. on the court, the series between the spurs and thunder is best of three. oklahoma city's russell westbrook scored 40 points oklahoma citñ's russell victory. that ties their series at two games apiece. game five is tomorrow night. on the ice, the new york rangers were looking to secure their first stanley cup finals berth in 20 years, then they let the canadiens score seven goals while only scoring four. the habs keep their season alive but still trail the rangers 3-2. plenty of people have
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embarrassed themselves throwing out a ceremonial first pitch at a baseball game and now we can add hip hop mogul 50 cent to that list. >> just a bit outside. what can you say? >> a little bit outside. >> you heard the announcer say it. devin said it again. just little bit outside. that classic took place before the pirates/mets game. it was last night. he's going to have a hard time living that down. >> got away from him. just a little bit there.fálp >> i'm not much of a good throw. >> i can't throw a ball either. i can't catch a ball either but i'm not throwing out ceremonial first pitches and if i was picked to throw out a ceremonial first pitch, i'd at least practice once or twice. >> you would. you would for sure. seems like a high-pressure event. he seemed to have a good sense of humor. >> yeah, he was okay. by the cway, we have to say 50 cent is the star of this friday's "gma" summer concert show.
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maybe we can get a comment on what happened. >> sure we can. moving on. we are not saying you will hear this at a ball park near you soon but you never know. take a look. ♪ >> those are the asian small pawed otters tickling the ivories there at the national zoo in washington. billy joel eat your heart out. >> pretty nice. pretty nice. >> oh, yeah. >> not exactly liberace but we get the idea. believe it or not, they are playing the keyboard. it is good for the other otters because it engages their senses, sight, touch and hearing. how about that? >> it is adorable. >> indeed. they are up to something there. coming up in "the skinny" hot boy band getting stoked up on weed on tour. we have the details. and later, more veterans finding comfort from special dogs and the amazing bond between these military guys and man's best friend. you are watching "world news now."
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♪ that's my dog ♪ that's my dog >> announcer: "world news now" weather, brought to you by oral-b. >> announcer: "world news now" weather, brought to you by oral b. stles that remove up to 90% of hard to reach plaque. feel the difference. oral-b, trust the brand more dentists and hygienists use. oral-b. at oral-b, we take pride because we believe in building something... something to better someone. to better you. to better america. ♪ oral-b. made in the usa. ♪ save them. woolite detergents clean your jeans and won't torture your tanks. so clothes look like new even after 20 washes.
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i travel a lot for business, and it's hard to leave these two. mom! my llama smells like you. i use tide plus febreze in the wash. it keeps their clothes and stuffed animals smelling fresher for longer. when are you coming home? just one more night. [ female announcer ] tide plus febreze. that's my tide plus.
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medical bills take a bite out of family's budgets. with co--a pays, hospital stays, prescription drugs. but there are steps you can take to keep the costs from swallowing your bottom line. abc's paula faris got some expert advice for one family that could help you, too. >> gosh, that's my baby. >> reporter: sandy is about to
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be a first-time mom and listening to her baby girl's heartbeat is -- >> the best sound in the world. >> reporter: even before baby, some bills have already been delivered. >> you have no idea how much this is going to cost, do you? >> not really. >> that fine print, i think, kills you every time. >> reporter: so we brought in our health care consumer advocate michelle katz to help sandy and her growing family navigate through thousands of dollars in incoming charges. tip one, did you know that different hospitals can charge vastly different prices for the same procedure?nbfá we found a range of 6,000 to 25,000 for sandy to deliver in her area. so shop around. every hospital should have someone called a director of billing. ask for them and they will give you a price quote. tip number two, beware. just because your hospital is covered under your plan does not mean every doctor practicing there is. chart everything needs to be
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approved by me because of coverage. >> reporter: when possible and nonemergency, make sure a doctor under your plan sees you first. tip three, the biggest surprise make sure you get the best deal on your meds. get this, sandy's doctor prescribed her prenatal vitamins for $104 a month under her plan. turns out, michelle found a different brand also covered by her insurance that only cost $4 a month. >> you can't assume that your doctor knows what the coverage is. >> they don't know the coverage. >> reporter: you need to get a formulary sheet from their insurer and ask your doctor if the meds on that sheet could work for you. >> this way the doctor is not guessing. >> they're not guessing and you are not stuck with $100 a month. >> right. >> reporter: following these tips, sandy will save almost $3500 on her delivery and get back to thinking of what's most important. paula faris, abc news, keyport, 9ñ when we come back, the blackout is finally over. ictures of kim and
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kanye's wedding. and a possible image problem for the boy band one direction. "the skinny" is next. stay with us. >> announcer: "world ne continues after this from our abc st
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♪ skinny so skinny. back again, a one-day break kim and kanye's wedding is topping "the skinny" again.
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that's right. >> photographs have been scarce to come by but word is that "vogue" has an exclusive and the kardashians being the kardashians the first pictures have showed up on instagram. >> of course they have. first here we go. a picture of kim's dress taken at a final fitting in paris. it was custom made by givenchy who made a tiny version for baby north, as well. now to the wedding.w3 kim instagramed this picture of the couple's first kiss. as man and wife. take a look at that. the ceremony took place in front of the wall of flowers. here's a new mr. and mrs. kanye west walking down the aisle. you can see just behind them, s catch a glimpse of their daughter in grandma's arms. >> at the reception, guests could hop in the photo booth and kim and kanye did, too. e! on-line got this picture after kim changed in to that beaded dress. >> kanye posted this picture of him and the mrs. in the just married leather jackets. >> i like those. those are actually kind of cute. they seem happy.
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we're happy for them. >> i'm always tired of talking about the kardashians. >> moving on. >> moving on to a bachelor party. one groom to be and his buddies will not soon forget or maybe they will but not because of this. >> they were at a charleston, south carolina steak house when they saw bill murray who eventually joined them and offered advice, not to the groom but to the single guys that they might have found the one. take a listen. >> take that person and travel around the world. buy a plane ticket for the two of you to travel around the world and go to places that are hard to go to and get out of. if when you come back to jfk, when you land in jfk and you are still in love with that person, get married. >> sage advice indeed. murray then helped to hoist the bachelor, a guy named e.j. on to e guy's e.j. on to it is a story of a lifetime. great going, bill and everybody else.
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>> of course you took one of those trips with your husband. >> of course. we had all kinds of money when we first got married to go around the world. one of the hottest boy bands is getting tired of his squeaky clean image. >> that's right. >> a leaked video shows them engaging in some pretty bad boy antics. this is from the daily mail. we can't show you the video but it shows two members rolling up a joint and smoking it. joking about drug use and flipping the finger to the camera before they performed tof a sold-out crowd of 40,000 in lima, peru. >> believe it or not, it turns out that they weren't breaking any laws. possession of marijuana in peru is not punishable if it is for personal and immediate consumption. there you have it. the world of entertainment has collided with cold, hard reality of international politics and the military fá takeover. taylor swift was set to perform a sold out concert and in thailand which came under military rule just last week and had to cancel the show. the concert in bangkok would have been june 9th but the
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country is under a night time curfew. several performers have canceled or postponed appearances in thailand over the political situation. moving on to jessica simpson now. we know she has waged a public battle with her weight but looks like she has won the war and then some. >> she instagramed two pictures of herself in bathing suit and heels posing with one of her fiance and baby daddy's golf clubs. look at that. >> she looks incredible. she lost upwards of 60 pounds since her second child was born two years ago. she has been working out with celebrity trainer harley pasternak, who worked with katy perry and lady gaga. she looks incredible.e1 all right. moving on to celebrating birthdays today. a couple of celebrities. we have gladys knight, she is turning 70. the empress of soul. wow, she looks great. >> she does indeed. rocker john fogerty, who started with credence clear water revival is 69. elisabeth hasselbeck who left the view to go to fox news is xd
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37 years old today. >> carey mulligan who played daisy in "the great gatsby" is 29 years old today. 29 years old today. >> daisy in the grat gatsby is 29 years old today.
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save them. woolite detergents clean your jeans and won't torture your tanks. so clothes look like new even after 20 washes. sometimes come out with spots? well, those spots are actually leftover food or detergent residue. can we help prevent this? yes, use finish jet dry. it goes in your dishwasher's dispenser to help eliminate spots and residues. wow, what a difference! that little guy cleans, brightens and fights stains. so now i can focus on more pressing matters. wow!
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isn't it beautiful? your sweet peppers aren't next to your hot peppers. [ gasps ] [ sarah ] that's my tide. what's yours? ♪ that's my dog ♪ that's my dog ♪ that's my dog ♪ that's my dog ♪ that's my dog >> that's a great song. i love it. finally this half hour, an extraordinary program to help some of the thousands of troops who will be returning home from afghanistan and it's "our favorite story of the day." >> it is. the warrior canine connection offers the simplest medicine fo( some of the toughest emotional wounds our troops face. abc's steve osunsami has the story. >> reporter: we traveled to ft. bragg to search for this lieutenant colonel we heard so much about who's doing wonders to convince soldiers coming home from the war to come sit with counseling. here she is, all of 5 years old and a german shepherd named lexy. that's why she's good. helping warriors like staff
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sergeant dennis. >> first time i killed someone i cried. i never wanted to get help. i thought it was a natural thing. >> reporter: after seven tours fighting the enemy he is fighting post-traumatic stress disorder. it took the friendship of these military therapy dogs to get him past his pride in the door. you think she's made a difference? >> without a doubt. i could tell a story. i could cry. i could do anything and she's not going to judge me. >> reporter: the dog? >> the dog. >> reporter: today there are 2500 dogs trained in the armed services but these are the first to help soldiers heal their minds and they get started as puppies learning to sense a soldier's distress. >> very nice. >> these dogs are able to detect through scent your emotional state. >> good work, buddy. >> reporter: this 3-year-old lab named ron brings soldiers both tissues and comfort. the work so important the military gives these dogs a rank. this one a one star general. >> it can comfort them and get
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them through the hard stuff so they can keep talking and working through their issues. >> reporter: he has finally worked through his. initially you weren't buying this dog business? >> no. >> reporter: but now? >> now i'm going to miss lexy. >> reporter: steve osunsami, abc news, ft. bragg. >> what an amazing story. >> this is a great story. the dogs do so much for these wounded warriors and the vets that come back. you can't see the wounds on the outside. you see them on the inside. they help with them in society and with their families. just a buddy. >> who knew they could detect your emotional state by scent amazing fact. and the rank of general. >> i love that. >> i love that. >> they really are getting the recognition they deserve. that's great. >> indeed. thanks for watching. >> don't miss our updates on facebook atái] >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades. ♪
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[ male announcer ] now get more of what you deserve. visit your local benjamin moore dealer today and get $50 off every $250 purchase.
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[ male announcer ] to celebrate, visit your local benjamin moore dealer today and get $50 off every $250 purchase.
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making news in america this morning -- grieving community. a stadium packed with people, pausing to remember the killing spree victims. the search for answers put aside for a moment to focus on the devastating loss. severe weather. heat and humidity feeding dangerous storms, packing a powerful punch of heavy rain and wind. and the flooding risk is not over yet. dramatic rescue. a driver and her infant are saved by a group of fishermen after her car ends up in the water. but now, she's the one facing serious charges. and way outside. a rapper throws, arguably, the worst first pitch at a baseball game, ever. and good wednesday morning


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